Lack of direction cripples many believers as they try to walk out their faith in day-to-day life. Hectic schedules and tight finances can restrict opportunities for meaningful discipleship.
To meet this need, we developed a full video-based Bible and leadership program that can be accessed by anyone anywhere. Students who join N2NCU Online watch the mundane become supernatural as they discover God’s plan for them.
"I thank God for N2NCU and the opportunity to learn the word in the way that I have been learning. Since I began these studies, I have experienced the hand of God in so many ways. In my personal life as well as my ministry. God is showing me every day that his promises are true and amen if we would only believe him."
~ Vernon Durand
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Study all you want for only $40 a month! N2NCU Online charges for access rather than by credit hour. This provides you with the flexibility and control over your progress that traditional models lack. If needed, suspend without penalty and come back to your saved progress at a later date. You choose your pace and your subscription follows.
**Payments are accepted per-month, per-semester or per-year dependent upon a student's country of origin. Learn more...
N2NCU Online is designed to maximize your time and impact! Most students find that two to four hours of coursework per week will set them on track to complete one semester in three months. Vital training paired with practical ministry in the community or church will set you up for success.
N2NCU courses give you what you need when you need it. Our incredible teachers take you through principles vital to walk out your faith in the 21st Century. Within your coursework, you’ll find answers to long-standing questions, solutions to immediate problems, and biblical principles to effective ministry.
Personal growth is our driving passion. We equip every Christian regardless of education, cultural, and professional backgrounds, to discover their purpose in the Kingdom of God. Foundational knowledge of the Bible and understanding of your faith will push you to deepen your relationship with Christ!
N2NCU Online provides you with everything you need! Upon registering, you’ll have access to one full semester at a time. Bible readings, video lessons, quizzes, introductions, and summaries are built into every fully-directed video course, requiring little to no outside sources and very little writing. Each semester in succession will automatically unlock as you complete your course goals.