

N2NCU is excited to introduce Practical Lab!

When will you see Practical Lab?

During the week of September 16-20 we will be adding a new course, Practical Lab. For a short time you may find that the university is unavailable. Your patience is appreciated! When the unversity is succesfully updated you will automatically be enrolled in the new course called Practical Lab.

What is Practical Lab?


Practical Lab is designed to help you secure a strong foundation for true Christian Leadership. Every Semester you will be required to complete the Practical Lab course. You will find it listed along with the rest of your courses each semester. Practical Lab repesents a big change for our students, bringing accountability to practical ministry. The Practical lab course has a tutorial as well as extensive FAQs which will teach you what you need to know to be successful. To get a strong start we strongly encourage you to reveiw the Practical Lab section of the Frequntly Asked Questions.


Semester One

Reaching Your Destiny - Dr. S. Brick Cliff

How to Reach God’s Best in Your Life

Reaching Your Destiny teaches how one can discover and achieve the specific destiny that God has for their life. In this series, Dr. S. Brick Cliff draws not only from biblical examples, but from his own real world experiences in over 25 years of ministry.

5 Sessions

Theology I - Dr. Mike Webster

Who is God?

In Theology I, Dr. Mike Webster builds interest and excitement in studying the most important teachings of the Christian faith. The course is not simply informational but also has a devotional element that impacts the lives of the hearers. Dr. Webster covers the nature of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. He looks at how God is a personal God, who has important qualities and names, and is a triune God. He discusses the dual nature of Jesus Christ - fully God and fully man - and why this is important to believers today. He also looks at the deity, personality, and work of the Holy Spirit.

5 Sessions

Foundations of Evangelism - Rev. David Arrol Macfarlane

Evangelism Through Friendship and Relationships

In Foundations of Evangelism, Rev. David Arrol Macfarlane imparts a vision and passion for reaching those who do not know Christ. He shows how the most successful evangelism is relational and can be a normal part of any Christian’s lifestyle, without being confrontational or intimidating. He helps viewers to understand how prayer, God’s word, and the Holy Spirit each play an important role in our witnessing, and he explains how to concisely present the plan of salvation so that people understand and respond.

7 Sessions

Creating a Welcoming Church - Rev. David Arrol Macfarlane

Opening Your Church to Visitors

In Creating a Welcoming Church, Rev. David Arrol Macfarlane draws on over twenty years of experience as a pastor - including serving in two different small churches, each of which he grew to over 1,500 in attendance.

He covers numerous specific areas that impact a guest's decision-making process. This one-session course helps church leaders to see areas that immediately impact visitors with fresh eyes, and helps them to see what will create a pleasant or unpleasant experience.

1 Session

New Testament Survey - Rev. Stacy Cline

Discovery and Application of the New Testament

New Testament Survey introduces the 27 books of the New Testament, exploring the major themes and emphases in each book, while at the same time applying the truths found there to our lives. It begins with an examination of the historical and cultural background of the times, followed by an overview of each grouping of books, and then by a more in-depth look at each individual book.

14 Sessions

Semester Two

Empowered Leadership I - Dr. S. Brick Cliff

How to Lead by Example in Faith

Empowered Leadership I equips Christian workers with the tools and knowledge needed to successfully influence and lead others - leading by example in the areas of character, power, godly living, and exhibiting positive attitudes even during challenging times. Part I of the series includes characteristics of successful leaders; using our words to influence others; and principles for overcoming temptation. Part II of the series covers cultivating positive attitudes and principles for maintaining strong relationships.

4 Sessions

Theology II - Dr. Mike Webster

Who is God?

In Theology II, Dr. Mike Webster continues to expound the most important aspects of Christian belief and theology in an interesting and exciting fashion. This course covers the subjects of man, sin, and salvation. Man is created in the image of God and is made up of body, soul, and spirit. Through rebellion and sin man fell and broke his relationship with God profoundly affecting every area of his life and being. God’s answer is salvation through the cross of Jesus Christ. In the same way that sin negatively affected every area of man’s being and resulted in death, salvation restores all that was broken and leads to incredible life.

4 Sessions

Ministry of Helps - Dr. Buddy Bell

Transformative, Practical Ministry

Rev. Buddy Bell has the gift of motivating God’s people to serve, helping them understand that the real heroes of the faith are servants. Time and again, in churches around the world, Rev. Bell’s course has changed the face of local churches. His scriptural teaching on the Ministry of Helps has empowered thousands of churches and pastors by waking up a sleeping work-force. In fact, it is common to see the number of workers in a church triple, after the church receives this teaching.

10 Sessions

Major Themes of the Old Testament - Dr. Fount Shults

A Thematic Overview of the Old Testament

Major Themes of the Old Testament is full of rich, insightful teaching. Dr. Fount Shults brings scripture to life with subjects like the fatherhood of God, the long-suffering of God in the Old Testament, and God’s original plan for mankind. Dr. Shults outlines the Old Testament’s integration into the Bible as a whole, emphasizing the description of God’s plan for salvation, the coming Messiah, and the Old Testament’s relevance in our modern society.

14 Sessions

Semester Three

Empowered Leadership II - Dr. S. Brick Cliff

Empowered Leadership II equips Christian workers with the tools and knowledge needed to successfully influence and lead others - leading by example in the areas of character, power, godly living, and exhibiting positive attitudes even during challenging times. Part I of the series includes characteristics of successful leaders; using our words to influence others; and principles for overcoming temptation. Part II of the series covers cultivating positive attitudes and principles for maintaining strong relationships.

3 Sessions

Theology III - Dr. Mike Webster

Who is God?

In Theology III, Dr. Mike Webster explores many of the most important questions people wonder about and struggle with. What happens after this life? Is there an intermediate state? What does the Bible say about Heaven and Hell? Who is Satan? What do we know about Angels and Demons? Each question is examined in the light of scripture and answered with insight and clarity. Dr. Webster also highlights the Christian church, its purpose, and the commission that God has given it here on this earth.

4 Sessions

Creative Evangelism - Rev. David Arrol Macfarlane

Creative Evangelism describes in detail specific principles and plans to use for explosive church growth. These plans are centered in strategizing around felt needs, creating evangelistic vision, making a plan, forming teams, and using creative ideas.

10 Sessions

The Gospels and John - Dr. Fount Shults

A Study of the Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John

The Gospels and John is an in depth look at all God was doing in and through the life and ministry of Jesus. Dr. Fount Shults explains the social, political, and religious background of the first century and then goes on to look at the major themes in Matthew, Mark and Luke. In the Gospel of John, Dr. Shults uncovers numerous life-changing principles including the danger of preconceived notions, Jesus’ offer to the world, the importance of abiding, the power of openness, levels of believing, and the “I AM” statements of Jesus.

14 Sessions

Semester Four

The Acts of the Apostles - Rev. Paul Johansson

A Biblical Manual for Church Expansion

In The Acts of the Apostles, Rev. Paul Johansson examines the book of Acts, chapter by chapter, as a divinely inspired guide for church growth. Starting with a vivid perspective of the early church and combining it with his own extensive experience, Rev. Johansson gives both positive and negative case-study style examples of church planting, and maturing, as well as the many difficulties that can come with growing the body of Christ.

12 Sessions

Marriage and the Family - Rev. Stacy Cline

A Biblical Manual for Church Expansion

A strong, healthy marriage is an integral part of the creation and development of a Godly family. Rev. Stacy Cline thoroughly covers God’s plan for marriage from it’s definition and preparation to living in love, healthy communication, and sexuality.

10 Sessions

The Ministry Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Dr. Frank Parrish

In Psalm 139 David said “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Each person in the Body of Christ is also, and as we walk in obedience to the Word of God under the direction of the Holy Spirit we will find our gifts and be able to function in them with great joy and fruitfulness. In The Ministry Gifts of the Holy Spirit we learn that our value is not determined by our gifts or measure of faith but by who we are in Christ. We need each other's gifts and all are equally valuable. We have different parts to play in the advance of God's Kingdom, but we are one Body.

4 Sessions

Embracing A Multi-Generational Environment - Rev. Chris Ball

Leadership for All Generations

In this course, Rev. Chris Ball challenges congregations to nurture a vision of church and ministry that embraces not only the current generation but also the up-and-coming generation. Everyone understands that the youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow, however, in ever greater numbers they are turning away from the church – feeling disconnected, disillusioned, and alienated. They are looking for authenticity, involvement, and honest communication. Rev. Ball outlines principles and a plan to help the current generation understand and interact with the new generation - a plan not only to keep them in the church but also to raise them into leadership.

3 Sessions

Spiritual Leadership - Rev. Joshua Finley

Leading Through Spiritual Maturity

In Spiritual Leadership, Rev. Joshua Finley covers the four foundational areas of growth and maturity for success as a leader. He looks in depth at the advantages that come from developing healthy relationships, growing strong physically and mentally, and learning to draw close to God for guidance and strength. Rev. Finley also challenges leaders in each area and lays out a path for growth.

3 Sessions

Semester Five

Pastoral Care - Rev. Chris Ball

An Essential Guide for Effective Pastoring

In Pastoral Care, Rev. Ball covers the most important attitudes and ministry that lead to excellent care of a congregation. He also covers many practical aspects of pastoral care, including the ordinances – baptism, baby dedications, communion, counseling, hospital visitation, weddings, and funerals.

10 Sessions

Introduction to Biblical Counseling - Rev. Kathy Barton LMSW

Introduction to Biblical Counseling presents the basic principles that will enable people who seek to give counsel and advice to others. This includes practical principles related to knowing when to listen and when to speak, powerful listening techniques, understanding people’s pain and brokenness, avoiding arrogance and pride, and showing love and care before sharing knowledge.

6 Sessions

Leading when You're Not the Boss - Rev. Andy Zack

A Discussion of Middle Leadership

The importance of middle leadership is often overlooked, neglected, or taken for granted. In Leading when You’re Not the Boss, Rev. Andy Zack addresses the middle directly. Speaking from years of experience as an associate pastor at Love Joy Church in Lancaster New York, Rev. Zack covers the keys to successful and fulfilling leadership in support of the head leader’s vision and authority. This unique teaching is an excellent tool to encourage and empower pastoral and lay staff and to further strengthen their relationship with the head leader.

7 Sessions

Wisdom Literature - Dr. Fount Shults

A Study of the Wisdom Books of the Old Testament

In this course on Wisdom Literature, Dr. Fount Shults brings deep biblical insight from over forty years of studying and teaching the Bible, coupled with a thorough knowledge of the Hebrew language and culture. Dr. Shults not only provides a valuable overview of each of the “Wisdom” books, but also takes students to new depths of understanding and uncovers practical principles for a balanced and successful life. Wisdom Literature covers the books of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs.

8 Sessions

Semester Six

Leadership Toolbox - Rev. David Arrol Macfarlane

Leadership skills are developed over time. Becoming a great leader depends on what we learn and how we apply it. In this course, we will learn how to create a vision, value contributions, develop leaders, encourage change, defend the ministry, and handle opposition.

7 Sessions

Biblical Ethics - Rev. Paul Johansson

Godly Principles for Successful Living

Every believer needs a strong biblical foundation to minister to a world whose morals are relative and constantly changing. Biblical Ethics presents godly principles that are still valid in today's complex circumstances and moral “gray” areas. This course teaches how to provide moral guidance for people who are dealing with difficult situations.

10 Sessions

Leadership Challenges - Rev. Chris Ball

In Leadership Challenges, Rev. Chris Ball covers some of the most significant challenges that face all leaders. No matter where they lead, or in what capacity, one thing that all leaders have in common is that they will have to address the challenges of handling people. These include the difficult themes of managing change and managing conflict resolution effectively. Rev. Ball brings many years of experience to these issues and includes practical examples and illustrations to help students be competent leaders as they manage change and conflict.

6 Sessions

The Christian Family - Rev. Kathy Barton LMSW

In many countries around the world, over half of the children raised in the church leave it when they arrive at their teen or college years. Many Christian leaders are not reaching their families and are losing them to the influences of the world around them. In this series, Rev. Kathy Barton teaches that our job is to take Biblical principles, employ them in our families, and then teach and train people in our congregations to do the same. Then we will see a legacy of blessing continue.

9 Sessions

Semester Seven

The Church as a Caring Community - Rev. Andy Zack

Keys to a Christ-Centered Community

In The Church as a Caring Community Rev. Andy Zack addresses the need for a church that truly meets the needs of a post-modern generation - a generation too busy, lost, and introspective for meaningful relationships, yet lonely and longing for authentic, real connections. Rev. Zack describes how God is calling His church to create a Christ-Centered Community where people are loved and encouraged, valued and connected - even as they impact the world around them.

9 Sessions

Ministering to Muslims - Dr. Gene Daniels

Many Christians do not realize this, but we are living in the greatest evangelistic movement in the history of our interaction with the Islamic world. God is bringing Muslims to the saving knowledge of Christ in greater numbers than ever before, and it is time for us to join him in this move of his spirit. Ministering to Muslims covers the basics of Islam, various theological and cultural barriers and how to overcome them, and helpful comparisons to help us be effective in ministering to Muslims.

12 Sessions

Solution Based Biblical Counseling - Rev. Kathy Barton LMSW

Solution Based Biblical Counseling is a type of Christian counseling which encourages, edifies, and gives hope for positive change in the power and grace of Christ. In this course, Rev. Barton teaches that God is already involved in people's lives and has already provided many tools for them to use and build on- through His word, his Holy Spirit, and through the strengths and giftings that He has already given them.

10 Sessions

Semester Eight

Free by Divine Decree - Rev. Paul Johansson

A Witness to the Book of Romans

Free by Divine Decree takes you inside the courtroom to witness how the case for your freedom was argued and decided. The final verdict from the Supreme Judge is that “in Christ” you are righteous: not by achieving but by believing. The truth in this series will set you free - free indeed. No further appeal! Your freedom is not a feeling, it is a fact.

12 Sessions

Premarital Counseling - Rev. Kathy Barton LMSW

Marriage is the strongest personal and spiritual commitment that two people can make together. Premarital Counseling is designed to give church leaders and mentors the tools they need to counsel and disciple couples through healthy dating or courting practices, and into preparation for marriage. This course provides information useful in closed counseling sessions, as well as from the pulpit.

14 Sessions

The Pastoral Epistles - Rev. Abram Gomez

In this course, Rev. Abram Gomez walks through the letters that the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy and Titus as a mentor, pastor, and spiritual father. This course starts in First Timothy where Paul warns against false teachers and prophets and wraps up in Titus where Paul displays that pastoral heart of Christ in seeking after a healthy and sound Church.

6 Sessions

Semester Nine

The Epistle to the Hebrews - Rev. Paul Johansson

Your Passport into His Presence

With so much conflict in the world, it is easy for us to become depressed and maybe even want to give up. The Epistle to the Hebrews speaks to the early believers because they faced similar situations and were tempted to throw in the towel. Hebrews is a thesis on a new way of living that will help us when we become weary. Five times we are advised not to give up. The door through the cross to the Throne of God has been opened by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Now we can boldly include our name in Hebrews 11 as men and women of faith.

12 Sessions

Biblical Social Justice - Rev. Samuel Rodriguez

The Lambs Agenda

Biblical Social Justice is an interview-style course based on Rev. Rodriguez's book The Lamb's Agenda: Why Jesus Is Calling You to a Life of Righteousness and Justice. Referenced and quoted by numerous media outlets, including the New York Times, Rev. Rodriguez reveals the crucial connection between biblical social justice and spiritual righteousness. Getting back to the basics of Christianity means extending our efforts simultaneously in the vertical direction of God and the horizontal direction of our neighbors.

3 Sessions

Principles of Church Growth - Rev. Abram Gomez

Church Growth begins with an important observation: "Healthy things grow." It should be natural and expected for every church to grow. However, church growth is not automatic. It is the result of leaders who pursue growth and a spirit of excellence, who present vision and goals, and who help establish core values in the church which encourage growth. Growing churches are led by growing leaders who understand that we must create the container to hold the increase that God brings.

12 Sessions

The Character of a Leader - Rev. Richard Hinojosa

Transformative, Practical Ministry

In The Character of a Leader, Rev. Richard Hinojosa provides an in-depth look at the characteristics that make for godly, effective leadership. This is a course that every leader can benefit from.

5 Sessions

Semester Ten

Homiletics - Dr. S. Brick Cliff

Preaching for Impact

Homiletics trains pastors how to powerfully impact lives through their messages. In this course, Dr. Brick Cliff provides essential tools for preparing and delivering messages that reach both the heart and mind, and result in changed behavior and changed lives. Each session provides clear, practical, step-by-step instruction in the skills that produce effective, dynamic messages.

10 Sessions

Strategies for Church Growth - Rev. David Arrol Macfarlane

Church growth is rarely spontaneous. Instead, it usually happens in response to leaders who pursue growth through vision and strategic planning. In Strategies for Church Growth, David A. Macfarlane draws from decades of experience to present five fundamental church-growth strategies, as well as practical tried-and-true methods for implementing them in any church. These strategies were at the core of the success of the original first-century church, and are still essential for healthy, growing churches today.

7 Sessions

Church Administration - Rev. Abram Gomez

In Church Administration, Rev. Abram Gomez begins by clearly explaining the strength that proper administration brings to a church and the foundation it sets for sustained and significant church growth. The church needs structure to accommodate all that God wants to do and to under-gird the vision that God has given the church.

12 Sessions

Avoiding Burnout - Rev. David Arrol Macfarlane

Running the Race to Completion

Anyone who enters ministry risks burnout. Pastors and Church Staff who are passionate about their ministry work long hours and often see the lines between their ministry and personal lives blurred. In this course, David A. Macfarlane presents ten guidelines which will help avoid burnout. Based on Scripture and practical application, these guidelines will help everyone who is engaged in ministry to run the race to completion and to achieve the plans and purposes which God has for their lives.

3 Sessions

Semester Eleven

Church History - Rev. Stacy Cline

In this course, Rev. Stacy Cline covers each major era of church history from the foundational events, which birthed and influenced the early church through the many transitions and periods up until today. When we study the history of the Church, we are looking at the extension of Christ's Kingdom in the earth. Citing major church figures and influences throughout history, Rev. Cline brings to light important lessons for today’s church. This history gives students a clear view of where the church has come from and where it is headed. Church History creates a motivating vision of the systematic advancement of the Kingdom of God and the fulfillment of Christ's commitment to build His church in every generation.

14 Sessions

The Art of Leading Worship I - Rev. Dick Grout

In The Art of Leading Worship, Rev. Dick Grout draws from his many years as a worship leader and teacher with Elim Fellowship to provide an excellent beginner’s guide for the subject of worship and the worship service. Beginning with a strong foundation regarding the motivation and heart of the worship leader, Rev. Grout covers both the spiritual and the practical aspects of leading the people of God into worship.

7 Sessions

The Supernatural Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Dr. Frank Parrish

The Supernatural Gifts of the Holy Spirit provides the biblical foundation for understanding the Holy Spirit and His work in our lives. Every believer needs power for living the Christian life and for sharing their faith. In fact, Jesus did not let His disciples begin their mission without this power. How much more does the church today need God’s power? Dr. Parrish shows how the Holy Spirit and His gifts are real and available for every believer today.

6 Sessions

Signs and Wonders - Dr. Ronald Burgio

In Signs and Wonders, Dr. Ronald Burgio lays out the scriptural basis for an expectation of miracles, healings, and the supernatural — in the church today and in the life of every believer. He illustrates this truth with examples from both the Bible and his own life and ministry. Dr. Burgio also shares ways in which we can create an environment where miracles are welcome and the Holy Spirit is free to work. This includes a faith-filled atmosphere where we believe and speak God’s promises, where we resist unbelief, and where we guard the proper attitudes.

6 Sessions

Semester Twelve

1 & 2 Corinthians - Dr. Bruce Garner

The church at Corinth was a gifted church which had some challenging internal problems. These included both personal and church-wide sin, disagreements over important doctrine, and conflict between various groups within the church. The letters to the Corinthians were written by the Apostle Paul to deal with these problems and bring help and healing to the church. In this course, Dr. Bruce Garner explains how the wisdom and principles of these letters can be applied today. 1 & 2 Corinthians present practical solutions to problems of Church unity, morality and discipline, and financial integrity, and speaks of the supreme importance of love in the church.

12 Sessions

Youth Ministry - Rev. Abram Gomez

Youth Ministry challenges churches and pastors to have a vibrant vision for reaching youth. Rev. Abram Gomez lays the foundation for a powerful, effective ministry that reaches the youth in the church as well as in the surrounding community. He makes it clear that God is always reaching out to the next generation of young people and wanting to work in their lives while they are still very young. Rev. Gomez covers many important subjects such as characteristics and qualifications of a youth pastor, distinguishing marks of a successful youth ministry, youth outreach, discipleship, community, and development of youth leaders.

10 Sessions

Children’s Ministry - Rev. Matthew Drew

Believers should see children through the eyes of Jesus. Through natural eyes, we see children as small—in size, knowledge, wisdom, and in experience. However, Jesus sees them as models of Kingdom greatness; honest in their humility, simple in their faith, and pure in their praise. In Children’s Ministry, Rev. Matthew Drew teaches the principles and practices for successfully ministering to kids

10 Sessions


Michael O.

  • STATUS N2NCU Honorary Founder
  • LOCATION Vietnam
  • AGE 42

  • OCCUPATION Lecturer Computer Sciences, Greenwich University, Vietnam
  • MINISTRY Worship & Music

About Michael

Michael Omar is a long time N2NCU student who has been working on his education while juggling many other responsibilities. Michael began with us back in 2013 when the university was barely a year into development! While the university was being built, courses were still being filmed, notes were being made and Josh and I were working as fast as possible to update all things online.We just barely had an associate degree worth of material at that early stage. N2NCU looked completly different then and many features have been added.

But Michael Omar was there with us during those early days often working as an unofficial quality control team mate. He has seen the growth of our humble work and shown grace and patience toward the growing pains of N2NCU. Everyone here at N2NCU owes him our thanks for pointing out things that we missed or that needed to be corrected. He is a perfect example of how N2NCU is meant to be there for YOU, in your time, your pace and always available for any season of life. You may not see us, and we may not see you, but we know all of your names and pray for you reguraly. Josh & I consider MIchael Omar an Honory Founder of Nation-2-Nation Christian University. As he continues to study and apply all that the Lord has taught him through N2N we look forward to calling him an alumini.-Patti

"God, thank you for Micael and all his hard work to fulfill your perfect plan in his life, community & world. Empower him with your wisdom as your strong and courageous man of God." -Josh

How did you come to know the Lord?

I grew up in Northern Nigeria with a Christian mother. Attending church at least twice a week was expected; families instilled Christian and moral values in their children, and Sunday school teachers read a Bible story. With this background, it was natural for us to grow up knowing that we were sinners and that Jesus Christ was our only hope for redemption from the consequences of our sin. As for myself, I was blessed with a call to accept Christ around the age of 15; this is when I began to recognize my actions and convictions. Since then, primarily as a result of years of service in various ministries, my faith has taken a back seat to life's trials, but that faith has also 'kept me'.

What is your relegious background?

I come from a mixed-religion family that includes Christians and Muslims. For instance, my grandmother on my mother's side was a Christian believer who married a Muslim husband who happened to be an Imam in a polygamous family. By virtue, my mother followed in her mother's footsteps and converted to Christianity, along with a slew of Muslim stepbrothers and sisters. My grandparents on my father's side and my father are all Muslims, thus the name Michael Mohammed Omar; however, I omitted the Mohammed from my name to make things easier for me back home; however, the mix in the name remained a source of contention for me. Michael is the Christian name that my mother gave me as a baby. As a result of the above background, I am able to comprehend the two religions.

What is the most valuable lesson that you have learned in life?

Nothing in my life is predetermined, not even the people I care about. This is a difficult life lesson I've learned, but it may be the most critical: Life is unpredictable. This lesson was taught to me when I lost a close friend and roommate in college, and was left alone without his family to cremate the body and send the ashes to his family.
I also learned that what comes out of my mouth defines me more than what goes in it. The way I speak and the things I say have a lot of clout. Speech empowers us to create and destroy.
My reputation is built on the foundation of my character, which includes the words I speak and the actions I take.
Finally, I discovered that forgiveness benefits both the giver and the receiver.

About N2NCU

You were the very first student at the founding of N2NCU. How did you hear about about us back then?

I was looking for a Bible school after my degree program, but no Christian Bible schools offered English programs in Vietnam. However, I consulted with my lead pastor, Pastor Jacob Bloomberg of HIF Hanoi recommended that I join a new program starting online. I was glad and opted in the program after making a few consultations.

What challanges have you overcome while working toward you degree and how i did you overcome them?

Despite the difficulties, I faced in my undergraduate years, I was able to raise the tuition fees for my studies and living expenses through hard work and diligence. God has been faithful, and miracles still happen. I'm pursuing a PhD in computer science while also working part-time and learning more about N2N's online course. It's a little difficult. My desire to complete what I started, even if it is taking longer than expected, has made me a little patient.

What keeps you coming back to N2NCU?

As a result of my hectic work schedule, I've found a place where I can grow spiritually and learn new things in my Christian walk, and I'm grateful for that.

Describe how N2NCU helped to focus your calling.

N2NCU aided me in focusing on my calling by providing the contents I am currently studying, some of which contain and contexts are new to me, which I learned from the tutors and to apply in practice. Others serve as reminders of what I know and possess. Generally, acquiring new knowledge through this course enhanced my vision and calling in Christ.

What is a principle that you have learned from one of our courses that you use in your daily life?

There are lots; however, I want to focus more on my ministry. The principle that I learned and applied in my daily church is The Art of Leading Worship – Rev. Dick

What is the greatest value that you have found in N2NCU?

I found a way to know more about Christ and Christianity as a religion as a whole

What would you say to someone who is thinking about joining N2NCU Online?

Don’t have a second thoughts just go get the words.

About Vietnam

You’re living in Vietnam. What can you tell us about Christianity in Vietnam?

Christianity was introduced to Vietnam for the first time in the sixteenth century. Today, Catholics and Protestants account for 7% and 2% of the country's population, respectively; however, the actual percentages may be higher.

Without government approval, Christian foreign missionaries are not permitted to proselytize or engage in religious activities.

What does your country need from the church?

We need prayers.

What are the most active ministries in Vietnam?

The few English-speaking ministries that are active an I had attended in Vietnam are:

  • Hanoi International Fellowship(HIF)
  • Christian Fellowship Church of Vietnam.(CFCV)
  • Hanoi International Church.(HIC)

What is your vision for Vietnam and how are you working toward it?

My vision for Vietnam is that the people will see the light of Christ.
I work towards this through my evangelism and the support from the HIF community to preach God to our local community, and as a member, I do my best to give my consent.

These stories are made possible because of you!

Nation-2-Nation Christian University is a 501c3 non-profit whose mission is supported in part by your subscriptions. Our entire curriculum is available at NO Cost in over 50 countries around the world. In addition to bible and leadership, N2NCU has developed many courses that have a practical impact on the quality of life for people outside of the western world. Here are some examples of your dollars at work.

-International Courses-

  • Solomon Family

    Solomon Butoyi

    N2NCU Translator - Kakuma Refugee Camp (Turkan county, Kenya)

    "I was born and raised in refugee camps, as we kept moving from one refugee camp to another I was unable to live a happy and free life like the rest of the children who lived in peaceful countries, as a result of this trekking I didn’t get an opportunity to go far with my formal education, these harsh conditions and events brought great sadness to my heart, until I was delivered by God later on in life, not that my dream was to have a diploma of something I have done in life and N2NCU came along my dream was accomplished, right now I am a bachelor holder from Nation-2-Nation Christian University."

    What is something you have achieved that brings you great joy?

    "I was given the task of translating the materials of N2NCU into our local language of Kirundi in a given period of time. I believed God, He provided me with strength and wisdom, I was able to complete the task within the given time, I thank God for this task, its completion brought great joy to my heart.I was also paid while doing this work, and used it with other savings to build for my family a house, we are no longer renters."

    Which event happened in your life that influenced you most?

    "God has given me a mission to reach out with the gospel to the unreached people living in unreached places in South Sudan, I have been with these people, all the three times that I have visited them, we reached out to them with the gospel and also helped them in their physical needs but this event influenced my life like no other, it ignited in me a fire for the unreached, in unreached places, and changed my focus and perspectives, made me humble and sensitive to the cries of the people."

    Why did you decide to join N2NCU?

    "I was translating the materials of Nation-2-Nation Christian University in Kirundi, through this work I came to be acquainted with alll the courses and teaching. I became so much interested that I counldn't wait to translate the next video or the next course. From there I became also a student of N2NCU, and later I graduated with a bachelor's degree. This was a dream come true, I always thank God when I remember this grace accorded unto me by heaven."

    Solomon Graduate

    How have the courses on community developement helped you, your family, your church and your community?

    "This course has helped my family in ways that I cannot full express, I will make mention of a few things, I love to practice what I learn, I love to find out if it really works and I did the same with what I learned from N2NCU,I have started farming projects, I have planted avocado plants, corn, beans, and wheat.People in my church are doing the program of sharing livestock by each new birth of a new livestock where by the one having the domestic animal when it gives birth, he takes the new born and gives the mother to an another person or house hold, whereby through this they are able to have fertilizers for their farms and milk.I also put into practice the idea I got from N2NCU of making channels in my farms, I also planted a long other plants that are resistant to erosion, which have also become the fences of my fields.Now We have enough food ourselves as a family, what to help me other people with in my community, and what to sell in the market for income."

    Solomon Farm

    How have the courses helped your relationship with your spouse and your family?

    "I have learned to give more time to my wife and this has imporved our way of communication, it is better and not tensions. Also, theses courses have helped me with raising my children.There is an incident that took place when my first born burnt our couch, when I saw that I had the punishment in place and all the words to tell him, I was so angry with Him but the Holy Spirit used the courses I had learned from N2NCU to speak to me and teach an unforgettable lesson. Instead of giving him the beating of his life that I had in mind I went on to ask him why he did that in the first place, And I was amazed when he told me that he was burning protruding threads because they made the couch look bad and old, I almost cried because it touched my heart when I found out his good intentions, I taught him how to do it the right way, and we were all happy, enjoying our friendship."

  • Silas Niragira

    Silas Niragira

    Pastor of Church of the Rock, Primary Teacher (Burundi)

    "N2NCU has helped me in my farming projects, my harvests have increased, my livestock is healthy because of what we have learned in the courses of Basic Agriculture and community development.My spiritual life and that of my family has grown because we have learned to study the word of God together with my family and I have also learned to preach what I practice on faith, prosperity and family. I no longer just preach from the Bible and other books, I preach my life, the daily activities of life."

    Talk about something sad that happened to you when you were growing up.

    "My father was an inspiration to me before he passed away, he had taught me on being an entrepreneur and rearing livestock, before I reached the age of 13 I was already having 6 goats and a lot of sheep, all this happened because I had a great coach by my side. My dad and my uncle who was his little brother were killed in the Burundian civil war, we fled our home because ourselves were the target of that attack though we were spared, from then on we had been on the run for our lives for 15 years, moving from one country to another, from one province to another until the year 2005 when there was rest in the country, when the famous Arusha peaceful agreement was signed and put into action. "

    Which event that happened in your life influenced you the most?

    "One-day God saved my life from death, I was coming back home to Burundi from a refugee camp in the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo), as we were crossing the border with my 3 friends, we were captured by soldiers, we were accused of being rebels and condemned to death immediately, but God, this amazing and wonderful God came to the scene, instead of killing us the same night, there was an argument between them and they postponed it to the following day, investigations were done and after much disagreements between those soldiers on what to do with us, they let us go. From there I made a decision in my heart to follow God wholeheartedly, to live a disciplined life and to stop all hypocrisy, my life has been totally led and influenced by this moment that took place in 1996. "

    Why did you decide to join N2NCU?

    "As a pastor of a church it was paramount for me to take advantage of this grace of God, of a free bible college, that is so near to me."

    How has the course on community development helped you, your family and your church and your community?

    "I have learnt to share what I have with my community, for example since I am already involved in pig rearing, as these pigs give birth to piglets, I have given those piglets to young men and women in my community and also in my church who are interested in pig rearing, through this these young people have been able to provide for themselves some of their basic needs and some of them have been able to pay for themselves their school fees. These young ones who were idle have become busy in taking care of these livestock, and they have no time to learn bad habits like smoking and drinking which are destroying communities in other places. At school I also give interested students rabbits and piglets if their parents agree to it, the students who have received these domestic animals to take home surprisingly they have become our most successful students both in studies and in character. These students have created an association of which they have made me the president, here they have come together to do more and with the help of God I am coaching them to be great leaders and prosperous farmers."

    Silas'Pig Silas'Farm

    What positive changes have you seen in your church and community?

    "Before N2NCU, in my church we hardly talked about prosperity in the physical, or finances or being rich in property but this has changed as I began to talk to them about God’s desire for us to prosper both spiritually and physically. Businesspeople are no longer ashamed of themselves because I have encouraged them to continue even to consider doing business as a ministry of the kingdom of God, I have encouraged church members to invest in agriculture and rearing of livestock, we now have a church that is prospering both spiritually and financially."

    What two courses have you enjoyed the most?

    Marriage and the Family has taught me to be a good husband, to be patient with my wife and others.The Community Development and Outreach (courses) has opened my eyes to what exactly is ministry, ministry is chang other people's lives for the better and also for the glory of God.

    In your observation, how have other students in your class been impacted by this university and its courses?

    "No one can attend N2NCU courses and their lives remain the same, I have attended seminars organized by pastors or other leaders that are in my class, they are using the knowledge they have received to help families, their communities and their churches. There is a woman, Anastasia is her name, she has started an agricultural project and she is already a supplier of food stuffs in the market, hotels and restaurants. "

    How has this improved your ability to do ministry?

    "I no longer do ministry in my own strength, I have learnt to depend on the Holy Spirit and the knowledge I have received from N2NCU, I have become a servant of all, the smallest among them all, I lead by example, I am no longer simply a teacher of the word but a doer of the word. I have become a servant of my family, my church and my community. I no longer sit down waiting to be served, I take lead in serving others."

  • Atem-Family

    Jacob Atem

    N2NCU Facilitator - Associate Pastor at St. Stephens Episcopal Church and Secretary General of Kakuma Area Council of Churches - Kakuma Refugee Camp, Turkan County, Kenya

    *ECSS oversees the over 20 churches around the camp

    "I had been trying to get back to school for years after my high school but due to my inability to keep myself in university I failed to find higher education studies. In 2015 Dr. Brick Cliff, the President of N2NCU visited Juba, South Sudan; a mission trip that was meant to bring and launch N2NCU first Bible School in South Sudan. I was one among the few pastors mobilized to attend his first workshop about N2NCU in Juba City. After 3-day workshop, the local Church Training Program was officially launched and I was among the first students allowed to further their education earning a BA in Biblical Studies & Community Development Outreach"

    What is your favorite childhood memory?

    "Cattle dip life was one of the joyous lifestyle and unforgettable moments to myself. I was raised by a man who was a farmer, a cattle keeper, a fisherman and a hunter because I come from a state that is well suited for agriculture which has a longest and largest river in Sudan (called River Nile). I was energetic boy and I was good at looking goats, cows and their young ones. I raised young ones. My father would always leave all cattle and my little sister with me when it was farming season. Taking care of both cattle and a little sister was a great task to me. But I was always the happiest boy among many because I had to enjoy all the privileges. All the milk was mine. I had to remember my sister anyway. Being the leader for my father’s cows, I would hire other boys with the milk. I had enough milk. The boy I hired must make sure that my cows are milked and my sister and I are served. Work was to be done for me because I was the boss. My only duty was taking care my sister. The rest of work were done for me by my hired boys. I thought I was just a boss but Late on I became to realize that I was practicing leadership in absence of my Dad. In return of my father I would lie to him that I was the only one keeping and taking of the cattle and my sister. Having done that, the father would praise and celebrate me being full of joys and that was such an unforgettable moment in my life, my father died in 2000 but until today I still remember those beautiful times when I was a child and use to bring joy to my father, my father used to take me to cattle dip because of his love for me. He intended to train me and he exactly taught me things in African way of life. "

    Talk about something that happened to you when you were growing up

    "I first fled my home country in 1990s as a result of that long second civil war between Arabs government of Northern and Southerners of Sudan in 1983-2005 and sought refuge in Kenya until 2013 when I went and came back in 2016. I once voluntarily sought to visit my uncle who was in Jonglei State then. This was unsafe and risky decision for me to take for the love for my uncle. I went back home in 2013 as there was a voluntary repatriation granted to us by UNHCR between 2007-2013 after signing of CPA 2005(Comprehensive Peace Agreement 2005) between Southern and Northern governments of Sudan. In 2013 When the war had broken out in South Sudan. Our home was attacked during the night. We all had to run for our life. The rebels were everywhere killing, looting and burning all houses at same night. The opposition forces invaded Bor Town and killed my uncle in front of us. I ran to the bush with other people and we walked for more than 50 days to Kapeota town in Eastern Equatoria. In Kapeota we were targeted by other ethnic groups in the town, because of our ethnicity background being a DINKA. Because our lives were in danger, we ran to International Red Cross's Office and we were taken to Kakuma Refugee Camp. The killing of my father have affected me a lot personally, Because I love him. In real sense, the killing of my people has traumatized me all the time."

    How has N2N helped you find solutions to some of the challenges you face in your life and ministry?

    "It enabled to work with people who have different personalities and different church backgrounds. I studied with different people but we were united to together around the person of Jesus Christ. It’s also helped me to learn a lot to proclaim the gospels of Jesus Christ in Kakuma camp by sharing His love, forgiveness, and grace with orphans and those in need. The little financial I have been receiving from (Dr.)Brick Cliff* for poor and needy I also believed it had an influence that led to the growth of my ministry. Below are the pictures showing me presenting different stuffs to orphans, poor and needy and loading the food items on the wheelbarrow for families with the acute food shortage due to COVID-19 Pandemic disease. "

    *Founder and President of World Impact Now Mininstries & Nation-2-Nation Christian University

    Atem Orphans Atem New Clothes Atem graduation

    How has N2NCU affected the lives of other students in your school?

    "Having held two graduations in the last two years is a great testimony itself that can speak for our school and here is the testimonial of our former student:"

    'I truly appreciate every single moment I spent during my studies at Nation -2- Nation Christian University(N2NCU) Local Church Program(LCP), the interactions I had with different students from different backgrounds and cultures are likely to be lifelong relationships. I can testify that I am different from what I was before I joined the university local program, socially, academically and spiritually, I have grown through the experiences I went into and what I acquired from the lecturers, the books and the video lectures. The university taught me how to be confident and focus on my destiny, not to give up easily. I can say N2NCU has equipped me with the necessary skills to contribute to life positively and confidently to face the social world ahead. In summary, I can positively say that the university has made me a better person by helping me to develop positive attitudes towards my studies and I discovered more about myself. The knowledge and skills I acquired throughout the studies is a benefit to myself, my local church and the society as well. My sincere thanks go to all heads of faculties and the senate. I also thank my facilitator Pastor Jacob M. Atem for his great support'

    Mabior Juarwel Makuach,
    Former Student and a graduate, class 2018
    N2NCU Kakuma

Webmaster Shepherd

Patricia Abbatoy

N2NCU Online Administrative Director

Hi, I’m Patti! Back in 2012, we took on the massive task of turning our N2NCU curriculum into an online university. I’ve been the primary architect for N2NCU Online since then. Now, I spend most of my time developing the academic and procedural policies for N2NCU to make sure that everything keeps running smoothly. I’m so excited to see what the future holds!

Webmaster Josh

Joshua Jenney

Director of Web Development & IT

Hey, it’s Josh here! I wanted to introduce myself so that you would have a face behind your Help Desk tickets. Patti likes to say that without me, the university would fall apart. Since the beginning, I’ve been here solving IT conundra and building a website that would meet the needs of our students. I look forward to many more years of service!